來電:施德來 (99/F5B)
來電:胡嘉銳 (1998@5I)
Hi. Just say hi to all.
來電:Simon Wong(1985 / F4I )
Hi there, I had left KCC about 12 years, I miss all the friends that I met in KCC especially someone call Virginia Typoco(鄭柔柔), 江貝達, James, ..... and many many. I miss you guys, just contact me, by this email 'simon737@yahoo.com' thanks.
Just came back from Canada Toronto since 2000.
I am looking for Bianca So & Amelia Chan?
來電:Lin, Sum (林森) (1978 / F5)
OK I don't really remember if I was in F5M or F5N anyway it was the science class. Was wondering if there are other classmates out there? I am still in touch with three classmates in that class - Edmond Cheng, Frank Lin and Lawrence Chen. Email me if you remember us!
來電:偉仔(1H 2H 3E)
來電:AU Ka Kit (1984)
I 've been living in Los Angeles, California for 15 years, and I still want to contact my classmates in Form 4H. I enjoy my life, and working in the banking field in LA. If U recognize me, pls contact me, wait for your reply. Tks!
來電:裸泳 (1996 F5)
同我同年o既一見到我個花名一定會記得我咖喇, 好掛住你o地呀, 聯絡我喇, 我icq no is 76326282.
來電:Joey Ching (82'-88')
I'd like to recall my school life.? Iremember I was in 2J in 1983.? I miss one of the teachers who taught me Maths, Mr Puk.? A very special surname.? Send me if you were my classmates or teachers.
來電:jonathan tong (2C)
I have to change to other school,I want to find a friend called Lam Wing Ke(jennifer).she is in 2C.Please tell her to call me.
來電:Geoff (1986 / F. 5L)
I lost contact with Nicola Ho Ying Ming during 1995 in Canada. She finished her secondary school studies at KCC around 1987. If anyone still keep in touch with Nicola, please kindly inform me her contact information. Thanks a lot in advance!
來電:NG KA WAH (5I)
Hey now i am searching some of my elderly friend in form 5, you know now i got a set of CD which content our history since form 3 to form 5. This set of CD was created by dickson. Please add my icq if you saw this message. My icq no. was 10330512. Thank You.
Hi! For those mates are still missing the greatest handball player of KCC, give me an e-mail then, no more need to just sit for missing la!?
The Greatest, Legendary and Beloved Captain of The KCC Handball Team
Handball or die,
with passion,
來電:SiSi (1993 f.2k)
I like KCC a...........a...........a............................aaaa...............ar!!!!!!!!!
來電:KO hoi ching, ERIC (1994, F.5J)
Hi, i left KCC about 8 year, i miss all the friends that i met in KCC.
I miss all the guys, please contact me if you remember me,Thanks.
來電:游惠雅 Doris Yau (1986-1991)
Between 1986-1991, icq: 92117555.
來電:Sally Chow (F.2b)
Hi everyone... i left kcc when i finished form 2. i miss kcc alot ar...
來電:Roger Ting (1979)
Looking for Stephen Ng, Rosita Ling?? If you remember me, please send an e-mail.? Just wanted to know what you are up to after all these years.
I am in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
來電:Eva Lee (80'-88')?
Hi. When I first entered K.C.C. I was assigned to 1Q. We had our class in K.C.C. primary school in North Poing. I left HK after F.7. I was in Boston (America) for 13 years and just came back to HK.
How are my classmates doing?
來電:Gloria Ho (1998, 5C)
Hi guys! Do you remember me? How is it going? After I graduated from KCC, I went to Canada and continued my study. I am now in year 1. I miss 5C very much. Send me email sometimes!luv ya all!
來電:Joyce, Yau Chui Ting ?
I left school in the year of 1991 and immigranted to Hawaii with my family. the reason why i leave this msg here because I dreamed of my old friends (who studied at KCC btw the year 1990-1996)last night, and I would like to keep in touch with them, so...if you think you know me, (my nick name called "Dan Tart") please write me an e-mail. i would love to talk to YOU! *^,^*
來電:EILEEN CHEUNG (1971-1976)?
來電:SIY, CHIU YUET (1977, F5F)?
Dear everyone,? I would like to find my classmates in my school life.? Have you see my message? Pls. contact me.
STUDY: F1 to F5, 1972 to 1977
來電:Tsang Kar Fai (1992, 3D)?
I leave the school in 1992.? I would like to get in touch with any one that remember me.? My name is Tsang Kar Fai. 我想搵番1992年F.3D的同學.
來電:Ken NG (graduate 1977)?
Here are the 2 photos I would like you to post up at our site.

Visit KCC in November 2001. From the left: Mr. LOH S. T., graduate of 1978 with his family, MA Sir & me (Ken Ng).

At the Annual Dinner (KCCAA AGM) in December 2001. St. John members with some graduates in late 70s.
To: all class-mates of 1965-70
Can you recognise all the faces of your fellow class-mates on the pics attached herewith? We had a dinner party on Jun 20, 2000 and it was a surprise to see all the familiar faces that showed up after some 30 years. It was fun.
There's gonna be a formal reunion party of the 1970 grads on August 18 (818) - the 30th Anniversary! Anyone interested please contact Mr Lam Leung Chuen at gdwill@hkstar.com.
LAM Yin Chu (F5C)
11 July 2000
來電:村民隊(The Villagers) 02/07/2000
1995年,一班蘇浙的form 4學生們( 以4B為主 ) 曾組織起"村民足球隊",並以母校附近的天后廟道球場作為我們的主場,但我們在1996年中五畢業以後大家的聯絡日漸減少,最近更有人丁單薄之感。在此希望透過這途徑能聯絡各位失去聯絡的校友們。歡迎各位朋友跟我們聯絡。當然是否踢波的朋友亦一樣歡迎。有意加入者可以電郵跟我們聯絡。以下是我們一些以前的骨幹成員:陳國強(老餅強),蔡永華(粗眼眉),何國傑(河馬),梁偉傑(鮑魚刷),周俊江(博士),郭永倫(火麒麟),張振宇(情侶宇),關曉昌(狂人昌),蔣玉鏜(Gary)及張志剛(肥仔,大番薯) 等的十 數人。但現在所剩無幾了。所以為解決我們的水深火熱,請立即加入... ... 我們歡迎一切的各界人士哦!
Location: Hong Kong
來電:Yue Kin Chi
In 1970, I have moved to San Francisco, U.S.A. from H.K., and I have lost all the contact with my friend at KCC. I would like to get in touch with any one that remember me. My name is Yue KIn Chi, age 43. 1970 I was In old KCC school, F-1, I left to America around May 1970.
Leaving: 1970, F1
Location: USA (Website)
來電:Tai, Chia Yao
I left KCC after 1997, and I hope to get in touch with all my classmates.
Graduation: 1997
Location: Canada (Website)
來電:Lau Wun Man
Hi everyone,
I left KCC in Nov 1993 and decided to study in Australia. Last year, I have
graduate with a B/Commerce degree in the University of Queensland and currently I am undertaking a Master of Commerce (e-commerce) degree in the same university.
I would be very much appreciate that if you recognise me....hehehe. Please
give me a call!!
Here's are some few words I want to say:
A thanks must give to the web page developer, because it is you that makes
every KCC past students and friends has a chance to come to contact since they
left KCC.
A thanks must also give to my mother school(ie KCC) because, it is you that
taught me to work hard and go for the goal you want to achieve.
Graduation: 1993, F4
Location: Australia (Website)
我想搵番1992年f.1B的同學...... 請各位聯絡我......
Leaving: 1992, F1
School life: 91-94
來電:Joanna Kot
To: all class-mates of 1980-85
Wanna see you guys soon!
Graduation: 1985, F.5H
Leaving: 1989, F.3O
來電:Lam sut yee
Graduation: 2000, F.5F
來電: Simon Wong
Hi there, I had left KCC about 12 years, I miss all the friends that I met in KCC especially someone call Virginia Typoco(鄭柔柔), 江貝達, James, ..... and many many. I miss you guys, just contact me, by this email 'simon737@netvigator.com' thanks.
Graduation: 1989, F.5
來電:Kin Yu HO
Dear everyone:
I am Kin Yu HO (kim)
I left KCC after my Form 3 graduation at 1994.
I am currently studying my final year of computing degree in Melbourne.
If any of you are still remember me, please send me a contact to my e-mail kimho@bigpond.net.au
Leaving: 1994, F.3
來電: Ng Ho Yin (Simon)
Hi Every one I leave the school in 1994 and after that I study in Sydney for my high school. Now I still in Sydney for doing my Bachelor of Business. If anyone still remember me (SIMON) Please contact me in ICQ. The ICQ No. is 14433925 or email to on simon18@hongkong.com. Thank You
All the best to everyone and enjoy the life!!!!!!
School Life: F.1-F.3
來電: Camela Tsang
Hi all,
We want to call up to some past member of the RSP, road safety patrol, to form a group. If any interest, go to the homepage below for further information, or contact me.
KCCRSP Homepage:
Graduation: 1998, F.5H
來電: IRIS
I am a new student in KCC. I Like my class.
My classmate is nice. If you want me to be your friend.
Studying: F.1F
來電: Paul So (1993/F.5A, chefso@hotmail.com)
留言: I am so happy to see our college has such a great channel for us to get back together, no matter how far we are, KCC is always in our heart.
來電: Roger Ting (1979, roger@telus.net)
留言: Anyone know of the where abouts of?Stephen Ng?
來電:林振財 (1997/F.1E, lamchunchoi2003@yahoo.com.hk)
留言:我想找 1997 F1E ,搵尹裕雯,張國才,李南宣。已經五年無見。 ICQ: 263390298
來電: Chan Kwai Fun Eva (1988/F.5G, evackf@yahoo.com.hk)
留言:我是 1987 和 88 的畢業生,無意中上了這個網,不知有沒有舊同學看見,因沒有聯絡很久,很久了。
來電: H. Y. Cheung, (1969/F.5B, cheung@writeme.com)
留言: Thirty-four years flew by in a heart-beat.?Among my old pals, … My F.5 homeroom teacher was Mr. Zhu Hai Bo (or Chu Hoi Ball), a very kind and fatherly figure.?He may no longer be around, but his image is embedded perennially in my mind.?If there is any alumni reunion for '68 or '69 graduates in the making, please drop me an email.?Thanks.
來電: Donald Lee(1981/F.7, lornadon@shaw.ca)
留言: A big hello to all alumni of Mother School. I was in 5J in '79 and Form 7 in 81. I left Hong Kong in 1982. Would like to hear from anyone from those good old days ... I am looking to reconnect with my classmates of Form 6 & Form 7. They are Terence Ho, Paul Sun, Kino Kwok, Peter See, Patrick Lo to name but a few. I am now living in Vancouver with my wife and our two boys.
來電:蘇德天 ( teh-tien_su@amat.com )
留言: Please help me to find alumni who are F5 graduate in 1980.
來電:古璞 ( 肥貓 ), (1986-1989, paul@ntas.org.hk )
留言:大家好!本人在 1989 年中三( F.3O )離開學校,不知道你會否是我以前的同學呢?我的名字叫古璞,花名叫肥貓。我的 ICQ 是 6788900.
來電: AU Ka Kit (1984, aufour007@hotmail.com)
留言: I 've been living in Los Angeles, California for 15 years, and I still want to contact my classmates in Form 4H. I enjoy my life, and working in the banking field in LA. If U recognize me, pls contact me, wait for your reply. Tks!
來電: Lin Sum ( 林森 , 1978 / F5, sum@geopak.com)
留言: OK I don't really remember if I was in F5M or F5N anyway it was the science class.? Was wondering if there are other classmates out there? I am still in touch with three classmates in that class - Edmond Cheng, Frank Lin and Lawrence Chen. Email me if you remember us!
來電: Simon Wong (1985 / F4I , simon737@yahoo.com )
留言: Hi there, I had left KCC about 12 years, I miss all the friends that I met in KCC especially someone call Virginia Typoco( 鄭柔柔 ), 江貝達 , James, ..... and many many. I miss you guys, just contact me, by this email. Thanks. (Just came back from Canada Toronto since 2000.)
來電:胡嘉銳 (1998 / 5I , 50307718@cityu.edu.hk)
留言: Hi!! DEAR ALL teachers!! Best wishes to u all.
來電: Bonnie Lam (1984, lamymb@hotmail.com)
留言: I left KCC in 1984. After nearly twenty years, I am planning to go to HKU to further my PhD degree! Whatever can be happened in this world, right!
來電: |
黃健全 (1990/F5, kenneth.wong@ dsco.com.hk) |
留言: |
For those mates are still missing the greatest handball player of KCC, give me an e-mail then, no more need to just sit for missing la! The Greatest, Legendary and Beloved Captain of The KCC Handball Team, Handball or die, with passion, Kenneth. |
來電: |
NG KA WAH (h2n9@sinaman.com) |
留言: |
Hey now I am searching some of my elderly friend in form 5, you know now I got a set of CD which content our history since form 3 to form 5. This set of CD was created by Dickson. Please add my ICQ if you saw this message. My ICQ No was 10330512. |
來電: |
Geoff (1986/F 5L, geoffkhl@hotmail.com) |
留言: |
I lost contact with Nicola Ho Ying Ming during 1995 in Canada. She finished her secondary school studies at KCC around 1987. If anyone still keeps in touch with Nicola, please kindly inform me her contact information. Thanks a lot in advance! |
來電: |
Jonathan Tong (ilove 2c15@yahoo.com.hk) |
留言: |
I have to change to other school, I want to find a friend called Lam Wing Ke (Jennifer). She is in 2C.Please tell her to call me. |
來電: |
Joey Ching, ( 82’ -88’, joeycmy@netvigator.com) |
留言: |
I'd like to recall my school life. I remember I was in 2J in 1983. I miss one of the teachers who taught me Maths, Mr. Puk, a very special surname. Send me if you were my classmates or teachers. |
【 來電 1 】 Roger Ting (1979)
Email: rt@usa.net
留言: Looking for Stephen Ng, Rosita Ling? If you remember me, please send an email. Just wanted to know what you are up to after all these years. I am in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
【 來電 2 】 Eva Lee (1980-88)
Email: evalee316@yahoo.com
留言: Hi. When I first entered KCC, I was assigned to 1Q. We had our class in KCC primary school in North Point. I left HK after F7. I was in Boston ( America) for 13 years and just came back to HK. How are my classmates doing?
【 來電 3 】 Gloria Ho (1998, 5C)
Email: glemonh@hotmail.com
留言: Hi guys! Do you remember me? How is it going? After I graduated from KCC, I went to Canada and continued my study. I am now in year 1. I miss 5C very much. Send me email sometimes!
【 來電 4 】 Joyce, Yau Chui Ting
Email: kakei@earthlink.net
留言: I left school in the year of 1991 and immigrated to Hawaii with my family. The reason why I leave this message here because I dreamed of my old friends (who studied at KCC between the year 1990-1996) last night, and I would like to keep in touch with them, so … if you think you know me, (my nick name called "Dan Tart") please write me an email. I would love to talk to YOU! *^,^*
【 來電 5 】 Eileen Cheung (1971-1976)
Email: irene@timindustries.com
留言: I am looking for my F3 classmate, named Leung Chuk Kwun, Herman who has went studies in Windsor College in Canada around 1980, if anyone has his news, please contact me, thanks.
【 來電 6 】 Siy, Chiu Yuet (1977, 5F)
Email: chiuyuet@yahoo.com
留言: Dear everyone, I would like to find my classmates in my school life. Have you see my message? Please contact me.
Study: F1 to F5, 1972 to 1977
【 來電 6 】 Tsang Kar Fai (1992, 3D)
Email: tsangkarfai@yahoo.com
留言: I leave the school in 1992. I would like to get in touch with anyone that remember me. My name is Tsang Kar Fai. 我想搵番 1992年 3D的同學 .
姓名: Andy Lau, Lok Pui (1989-1994)
電郵: lokpui@hotmail.com
留言: I am looking for some of my friends during that period of time.
姓名: Man Yui Hui ( 1996 F2I+F3I)
留言: hi all, I had left KCC since the year 1996, at that moment I had went to New Zealand for study, and now I am in LA USA study in University currently. If you are interest to chat with me, please contact me. ICQ 55531786.
姓名: Chan Li ( 1980 F1)
電郵: lichanster@yahoo.com
留言: I went to KCC between 1980-1982 (F1, F2). Currently I am residing in Los Angeles, U.S. I am interested in locating few of my old buddies - Wilson Zai, Lawrence Lai and Richard Chen (Chen Jun-Nun). If you know anything about their whereabouts, please let me know!
姓名:陳子翔 (翔仔 ) Chan Chi Cheung (1991-1996)
電郵: joel_dy@yahoo.com
留言:我就讀 Form1-Form5. 如果你有讀過 3G (1993) ,就快的 Add我啦!
姓名: JACKY SHUM (1992, F1)
電郵: heiman120979@sinaman.com
留言:我想搵番 1992年 F1B 的同學...請各位聯絡我...
姓名:古璞,肥貓 (1989/F.3O)
電郵: paulkoo@sinaman.com
Message: 大家好! 本人在 1989年中三 (F.3O) 離開學校 , 不知到你會否有我以前的同學呢?我的名字叫 古璞 , 花名叫 肥貓。
姓名:蘇浙公學銀樂隊 (招募舊生銀樂隊隊員 )
電郵: kccbb@hongkong.com
參加辦法:將您的姓名、聯絡電話或電郵和曾經吹奏的樂器名稱 E-mail 到 kccbb@hongkong.com 給我們 .
導師方面: 曹乃堅先生將協助舊生樂隊運作
姓名: Kin Yu HO
電郵: kimho@bigpond.net.au
Message: Dear everyone, I am Kin Yu HO (kim). I left KCC after my Form 3 graduation at 1994. I am currently studying my final year of computing degree in Melbourne. If any of you are still remember me, please send me a contact to my e-mail kimho@bigpond.net.au
姓名: Camela Tsang (98, 5H)
電郵: camela@36.com
Message: Hi all, we wants to call up to some past member of the RSP, road safety patrol, to form a group. If any interest, go to the homepage below for further information, or contact me. KCCRSP Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/kccrsp/index.html